We serve Cobb, Cherokee, and Surrounding counties
Vapes Possession? Start your defense with us.
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Effectively Navigate Your Vapes Possession Case with Proven
Cherokee and Cobb County Drug Possession Defense Attorneys

Despite many states across the country fully legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana, in Georgia, it is still a criminal offense to possess any amount of the substance. State legislation allows individuals over 21 to have limited amounts of low THC oil for medical purposes if they have the appropriate registry card. However, this still leaves young adults and teenagers who are caught with a vape pen with THC cartridges that do not qualify as low THC oil, or who do not have a “Low THC Oil Registry Card” open to facing serious consequences.  Many people do not realize that while possessing marijuana is generally a misdemeanor, possession of THC is a felony.  Additionally, the possession of CBD vapes for someone under 21 can result in criminal charges.

Being in trouble with the law can be intimidating for individuals of all ages. This is particularly true when it is your first time experiencing a situation of this nature. Our team understands the worry you are going through and could provide you with the guidance and assistance you need to effectively navigate the process and keep your life on track. When you or a loved one faces charges for the possession of THC or CBD vapes in Woodstock, a dedicated drug defense attorney from our team could help you find the most effective path forward.

Laws that Prohibit the Possession of THC or CBD Vapes

Nationwide, the past 10 years have seen the increased popularity of THC and CBD products as an alternative to traditional marijuana consumption. However, since Georgia still criminalizes the use and possession of marijuana, lawmakers prohibit the possession of vaping products that include specific marijuana derivatives – more specifically, THC.

The possession of THC oil in any form, with limited exception, is a violation of the law. Convictions under these laws can be misdemeanors for small amounts of low THC oil, or felonies for larger amounts of low THC oil or possession of any amount of THC oil that does not qualify as Low THC oil.

Additionally, while it is not illegal to possess vapes for personal use in Woodstock if you are over 21, it is illegal to possess any type of vape for personal use, whether to consume CBD or any tobacco products, if you are under the age of 21.

Possible Defenses Against Charges of THC Vape Possession

There are a number of options our experienced team may present you with when helping you choose the best approach to moving forward from your situation and mitigating the potential long and short-term impacts on your life. Our collaboration will typically start with us gaining an understanding of several key factors, including where you are in your life and what your goals are for your future.

We will also focus on your primary concerns regarding the impact THC or CBD vape possession in Woodstock could have on your life and your ultimate goal regarding your case. Based on this information, we will work with you to develop ways to mitigate the consequences of a conviction, contest or fight the allegations, or combine both strategies depending on what you feel would provide the best outcome for your unique circumstances.

For example, when looking for ways to fight the charge, you may choose to dispute whether you ever actually possessed the items in question or whether they  contain the substances claimed. Another strategy could be to contest whether the police methods that led to the vape arrest were legal. Every person has an expectation of privacy, and police can only violate this privacy if they have a lawful method to do so.

Alternatively, for first-time offenders, our team may emphasize their lack of criminal history, educational opportunities, and future potential to minimize short-term penalties and the long-term effects.

Reach Out To Discuss the Possession of TCH or CBD Vapes in Woodstock

At the Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm, our team believes your future should not be disrupted by one mistake or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you or a loved one is facing charges related to the illegal possession of THC or CBD vapes in Woodstock, contact our office to schedule a consultation. During this meeting, we can determine if working together would be beneficial to everyone’s needs. If so, we are prepared to advocate on your behalf every step of the way and empower you to make the decisions that will ensure your success.

Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm

Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm N/a
3227 S Cherokee Ln,Suite 1360
GA 30188
Map & Directions
(770) 720-6336