Effectively Navigate Your Minor Alcohol Possession with Proven
Cherokee and Cobb County Alcohol Defense Attorneys
Other than a few exceptions, the law prohibits anyone younger than 21 from drinking alcohol and from possessing, purchasing, or attempting to purchase it. A teen could face a minor in possession of alcohol charge (MIP) for merely safeguarding an adult’s beer at a football game.
Although Georgia enacted these strict laws to prevent underage young adults from easy access to what they view as harmful substances, they can leave a young person facing multiple penalties and a permanent criminal record depending on the circumstances. A Cherokee County minor in possession of alcohol lawyer from our firm can help you and your family find the best option for moving forward from the situation.
Young people under 21 are not required to have taken and failed a breathalyzer test to be charged with MIP. Law enforcement can arrest or ticket a person based on observation alone, including the smell of alcohol on a teen or young adult’s breath.
In some instances, an individual can be charged with MIP without appearing impaired. For example, an innocent teen may be caught riding in a car with another underage person who possesses alcohol. In this circumstance, the young adult is presumed by law enforcement to have had the power and intent to control the substance even though they were not the one carrying it. This is known as constructive possession.
Additionally, when someone underage is caught driving while under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, they may also face DUI charges in addition to MIP.
First-time MIP convictions can result in a young person facing up to six months in jail. Judges can also order probation and require the individual to participate in alcohol treatment programs, community service, and other sanctions. If the MIP charge occurs while driving, they young person may be facing a license suspension. Like any criminal charge, a MIP conviction has the potential to stay on a teen’s record forever. A Cherokee County minor in possession of alcohol attorney can help young adults and juveniles move forward positively and mitigate both the short and long-term effects of their alleged mistake in a way that best suits their unique circumstances.
When building a defense to a MIP charge, our Cherokee County minor in possession of alcohol attorneys will typically start by learning about your primary concerns regarding the impact the charges could have on your life. For some families, this could be worries related to losing college and scholarship opportunities.
Once we have a better understanding of you or your loved one’s goals for moving forward, we will then work with you to develop the best approach for negotiating the situation or fighting the charges. Sometimes, a combination of both options may provide the best outcome for your circumstances. For example, for first-time offenders, emphasizing the young person’s lack of criminal history and future potential may be beneficial to lessening the consequences of a MIP.
Alternatively, our legal team can explore other defenses, including whether:
We will explore every option available and ensure you understand every step we take so that you can make an empowered decision regarding what is best for your future and your goals.
When you or your loved one is arrested or charged with MIP, our experienced Cherokee County minor in possession of alcohol lawyers can advocate for your best interests and help you ensure your life stays on track. Speak to the team at the Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm about scheduling a consultation to learn more and to discover whether we are a good for each other.
Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm